Para mi corazón basta tu pecho, para tu libertad bastan mis alas.
Pablo Neruda

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Not all those who wander are lost

Some people just don't know anything about the sun,
Anything about being whatever you are,
but conscious and proud of it,
About having five senses and exploiting them,
About having inner music.

And this doesn't mean I know, I don't mean to, I don't want to.
It 's a matter of just life, breathing, crying, laughing: living.
Feeling pretty without necessarily being.

Sometimes I stop to think about my children
What would that be like?
I just can't imagine what an adventure will that be
with this mother they will have,
a mother with a butterfly-full chest.

Mery Piña

What is for sure, is that I've already drawn a spot in the sky
that hopefully will become a star when I arrive.

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